My kids think that rolls of toilet paper are toys. I can’t tell you how many pictures I have with a child sitting on the bathroom floor in a nest of toilet paper.
Funny at the time, but not so funny when you’re stranded on the toilet with one square left on the roll.
So a while ago we instituted a new plan called STP or Stomp the Toilet Paper for those of you who aren’t in the know.
This is where we give each new roll of toilet paper a good stompin’ before we place it on the holder. That way when a little one decides to yank on it with glee, hoping for a waterfall of white to cascade down on their little toes, what they actually get is about 3 squares of toilet paper in a very unsatisfying thunk.
Ha! I just love it when I can outsmart my kids.
Saving myself from the humiliation of screaming for more toilet paper while sitting on the throne is just the icing on the cake.
Funny at the time, but not so funny when you’re stranded on the toilet with one square left on the roll.
So a while ago we instituted a new plan called STP or Stomp the Toilet Paper for those of you who aren’t in the know.
This is where we give each new roll of toilet paper a good stompin’ before we place it on the holder. That way when a little one decides to yank on it with glee, hoping for a waterfall of white to cascade down on their little toes, what they actually get is about 3 squares of toilet paper in a very unsatisfying thunk.
Ha! I just love it when I can outsmart my kids.
Saving myself from the humiliation of screaming for more toilet paper while sitting on the throne is just the icing on the cake.

For more great ideas go have a visit to Rocks In My Dryer.
Great idea!! My kids do the same thing, so I shall have to put this into practice.
Renata :)
What a great idea! Sometimes the most simple ideas are the best.
That is hilarious. I love it. I have a five month old, so my day is coming. Now I know I am ready.
What an AWESOME tip! Thanks!
My toddler has graduated from this stage, but i might just go stomp on some other peoples toilet rolls for them! :)
Ha! i never would have thought of that! Great idea!
We just have started to face this problem. And I love your solution. Thanks!!
I've decided I get both smarter AND snarkier with each child added to the family. NO FUN FOR YOU, BUW WA HA HA!!!!!!!
My daughter grabs the end and runs with it, but this works as well because at least now I can hear the roll thudding round at lightspeed and I can usually get there before the entire roll's following her around the house. That Andrex puppy has a lot to answer for!!!
My little man loves this too (as do my mother's cats). While it COMPLETELY goes against my "the flap goes on the OUTSIDE" grain, if you put the loose flap of paper on the inside, then the little buggers have to at least think a little before just batting at it will result in a floor full of paper.
Stomping the roll sounds fun too though!
Ha! That's too funny! Does it work for cats too? They like to shred it as well as unroll it.
Great idea!!!! I'm going to try it out today.
Oh my goodness! This cracks me up!
I too have several pictures of little ones sitting gleefully amidst a pile of toilet paper in the bathroom, but I'm afraid the OCD in me just couldn't have a squished roll on the spindle. It just wouldn't be right.
"No!! I can't do it, I can't do it!!"
Sorry, I'm ok now.
Ha! What a great idea!
Great tip! I will be using this one for sure!
How creative!
Hey, you have another Leanne commenter!!
I'll have to go back to signing the way I used to!
I'm with ya, sistah!
Leanne in your town
I've tried this before with no success. Maybe I'm just not stomping hard enough???
Oh that's so perfect! LOVE IT!
Love this. Wish I had thought of it 5 kids ago!!
Your post on sex...great!
This is advice I can use immediately! What a great idea!
Okay, this is great!
With five kids wasting our toilet paper, this will come in handy.
What a great, easy solution!
This is definitely something we will be instituting in our house!!! Great WFMW!
You are too funny! What a great solution.
That is great! My kids would love this ritual!
Alrighty then.
lol that is GREAT!!! My son who is nearly 4 has already wasted 2 full rolls of toliet paper this week grrrrrrrrrrrr... one he tried to stuff down the toliet..and the other well it was everywhere.. haha.. VEry clever.. I will have him do this perhaps right NOW!!! lol
What a great idea! My four year old is going through way too much toilet paper so we've limited her to four squares. Maybe STP will work for us too!
Oh my! I LOVE this! lol Going to do it NOW!
Great idea! We do that too so it doesn't just unroll freely with the help of the baby!
Genius, pure genius.
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