Have you ever bought groceries for a special recipe and left them in the cupboard or fridge only to find them missing when you are ready to use them?
And the tell-tale crumbs on the face of your husband?
If there is one thing that bonds Chris and I together, it is our need for chocolate and I truly can’t have it in the house without his hound dog senses going into action and finding my stash.
But that is, of course, why I love him so much. We are truly chocolate soul mates and for that I’m grateful.
As long as he keeps his grubby paws outta mine!
So with the holidays coming up I’ve got all kinds of goodies waiting to be baked, boiled, and fried for various events.
And my only hope?
And the tell-tale crumbs on the face of your husband?
If there is one thing that bonds Chris and I together, it is our need for chocolate and I truly can’t have it in the house without his hound dog senses going into action and finding my stash.
But that is, of course, why I love him so much. We are truly chocolate soul mates and for that I’m grateful.
As long as he keeps his grubby paws outta mine!
So with the holidays coming up I’ve got all kinds of goodies waiting to be baked, boiled, and fried for various events.
And my only hope?

Think it will work?
Did you put the less appetizing stuff on top? That could either be a deterrant (nothing yummy is sticking out so you just stay away) or an inticement (she surely wouldn't have put "don't touch" on this so there must be a real treat at the bottom).
Absolutely hilarious! I hope it works! Around my place, hubby would be the one making signs for me to stay out!
Great idea!!!
My husband does the same! I've thought about sticking post-it notes on things so that my husband won't eat/use them, but then wonder if he'll see them. The big one for us is bananas. He has a way of eating 1 of the 3 rotten bananas on the very same morning that I was planning to make banana bread. We've almost come to blows over it. ;)
Methinks you've done the best you can do...
However not much deters the grubby mitts of the Westiecrew. Hopefully your gang will do better.
Wanna know something I just realized? If you take the first and last letters off of your last name, you will have my maiden name! Isn't that funny?! Well, maybe not, but I thought it was cool, but then, I'm easily amused...:D
Love ya girl and in case I don't get to say it before then, I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!
The Other Gayle (who is having sign-in issues)
HA! I once bought carob chips (yes those nasty little healthy things) for a granola recipe. It was during a health kick and there was no sugar in the house. My poor husband ate the whole bag out of sugar craving desperation. ~Karlie
PS. I wrote a post about healing, and since I respect you and your church, I'd LOVE your opinion on the subject!
ROFL because I've had the same thing happen too. We had a Christmas Open House awhile back and we've done this now for 3 years. The first year I had some ingredients go missing. SO, this year my family would go to grab something and say
" Mom, am I allowed to eat this?"
After awhile my DH gave me a Sharpie and told me to label... so I did.
Have a great one!
Maybe I am just a bad girl, but that bag would attract me like bees to honey. Has to be out of sight, out of mind for me. I have to tell my husband to take things out to his shop and hide it (I am the chocolate fiend in this house). Good luck with that though. Maybe you should just buy him a stash that he is allowed to eat. My mom used to wrap up Christmas baking in brown freezer paper, label it ROAST,or HAM, and then would stick it in the deep freeze, otherwise, my dad would totally raid her goody supply before she needed it.
That has never worked at my house. I have a 23 year old son who has the appetite of a still-growing 15 year old. Now my daughter has a bit more restraint, when she's home! I'd have to find another place to hide the goodies I'd want to save for something special.
A bag labeled "sugar-free stuff" or "no cheese here" or "important things for jobs to do around the house" are more likely repellants for THIS pantry raider.
Yes, my hubby gets into the food stash all the time. now I mark on the package with a Sharpie if I need it for a particular recipe!
Just stopping by to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
LOL! My girls do this with their yummies all the time. They know that their mother raids the pantry in with wee hours of the morning!
I love this post! Sometimes when I am baking, my husband will ask, "Is this for us?" Poor thing. Do I really give away THAT many treats?
I think I could re-label everything "Fat free" and it would be perfectly safe.
That's so funny. I hope it worked. I'll have to give that a try here too.
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