Allegra was asked to take the garbage out today. Look close at her choice of footwear. Those are my rockin’ Vegas shoes (I bought them right before my trip to Vegas last January with Emily and to meet Cindy for the first time.)
I’m not sure what disturbs me more; seeing my daughter in high heels or the fact that she nearly fits in my shoes. For some reason I’m feeling a little protective of the contents of my closet right now.
I remember being about her age when I started wearing my mother's shoes. I'll admit, I did feel a little big for my britches. Watch out!
Those are ROCKIN' shoes ~ Love them! And I agree with Carrie - watch out!
She is stylin! Why don't you buy some more sassy shoes and come see me again?
Your girl has style! Soon she will be raiding your closet---I know this from experience! ;)
Cute shoes! No wonder she chose them. Imitation is the highest form of flattery :)
those are some hip mama shoes! love them!!
and, i'm kinda selfish about my stuff. besides if my BOYS decided to start wearing my clothes i would get a bit worried. they already use my slip as a superman cape...eek!
Those are some CUTE kicks, girlie!
Wow, those ARE some serious shoes!
My Samantha would love them!
And hey, if a girl's gotta wear her heels to take out the garbage, it's all good!!!
Those are HOTT shoes!
Zoe says she LOVES the shoes! I have to hide mine too! ~K
Very cool shoes!!!
That's adorable...
I hope one day I'll have a little girl to steel my shoes :-)
With four (counting your hubby) boys,I bet you understand!!
You have another option here, your daughter thinks your things are cool enough to wear!!! My daughter would not be seen dead in anything I own!!!!!!!!!!! (Of course her feet outgrew mine YEARS ago--her father's shoes, now, are a different story. And she LOVES LOVES LOVES her brother's hand-me-downs, but he doesn't hand anything down anymore.)
Oh me too!!
My daughters 9 and 10 can now nearly fit into my shoes too. I'm not sure they would want to wear them, mine are so matronly!! Your's my dear, are darn cute!!
Those are sooo cute!!! Rocket dogs? I think maybe she needs some flats that are similar. :)
Cute shoes!
Well, the good things about having someone to share shoes with is that it means you can buy TWICE AS MANY shoes! I have boys. So I have no excuse to double the amount of footwear in my closet. boo hoo.
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