October 30, 2008

Dude, Wrong Word

You know how kids find new words that are fun to say? They just roll of the tongue and they say them over and over....and over.

Once it was the word lollipop....


Once it was crap...


That one was fun.

Well with all the hoopla over the election and the talk floating around the house we are constantly talking about the candidates. And I guess McCain isn't as much fun to say as Obama because my little republican kid keeps walking through the house, the grocery store, and church saying...


AWK-ward when we've got republican signs all over the front yard.

(and if you read this and are of a different political persuasion remember we are all adults here and I'm not doing any mud slinging....my blog...my vote.)


Miriam said...


BethAnne said...

Hey Gayle! I found you thru Lysa T.. I am laughing at the Obamaobamaobama thing....too funny .....but can you teach him to at least give my man McCain equal time....how bout McCainMcCainMcCain?????? hhahahah

WendyDarling said...

That would be awkward. :-) LOL... but funny to read about. LOL... :-)

Sarah said...

Silly little boy.

Maybe you should tape a McCain sign to him just for funsies.

csvan said...

At least he doesn't add an expletive after he says his name!

Jenni said...

that is sooo funny, I wrote a post a little bit ago that shared some of my 3 year old daughter's experessions. They find the funnies things and the weirdest times to say them. But they sure are a blessing!! (comments in all)

Jen said...

Mine run around shrieking "JOHN DUH CAIN!" all day long. In public. In 5 yr old girl scream. I really wish they had been running around yelling "FREDDY!" but I'll settle for John Duh Cain.

Halfmoon Girl said...

Up here if you say "the john" it means bathroom. Maybe he will like saying John instead of Obama if he knows the double meaning. I know he appreciates bathroom humour. OR maybe you can teach him to say NO BAMA instead.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!
My 4 year old daughter is obsessed with the election coverage! She picks Fox news over cartoons during her television time. She wants to see Sara...she does little cheers for Sara during her speeches! She recognizes McCain and says, "There's your man Mama!".

40winkzzz said...

Can you maybe get him to change it to NObamaNObamaNObama?

(PS- I think your word verification is getting a little fresh with me. It wants me to type in "hottli". Can I sue for that, or should I be flattered?)

EEEEMommy said...

I asked one of the kids to get me a pen the other day and they brought me one with Obama printed on the side. I have no idea where it came from...Someone's a traitor.

gail said...

hi gayle,
i'm giving you the kreativ bloggy award. come on over to my blog to pick it up.

gail in idaho

Latte said...

Hey O'bama want some P-orn with your fried chicken?

LOL kids are so cool!

MarlaMom said...

That's so funny! My four year old was in the back seat listening to the older kids and I talk about why my husband and I were voting for McCain/Palin.

She must have remembered "The Emperor's New Groove" movie at that point because all of a sudden she pipes up, "OBAMA? He's supposed to be dead!" Which sent the rest of us into hysterics. (The actual line is "A llama? He's supposed to be dead!")

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