August 20, 2007

Conversations From The Perfect Marriage

The first conversation of my day....with the love of my life.

Chris: Um, Gayle, I think you might have an infection or something because in 12 years of marriage this is the first time you’ve ever had bad breath.

Me: Squeak of speechless shock emitting from my ghastly smelling mouth! (My thought was, “Where has he been every morning? I have bad breath at least once every day for the past 12 years?!?)

Dude, you better be making ME breakfast after something like that!


Halfmoon Girl said...

That was hilarious. I loved your silent thought! HOw sweet that he thinks you never have had bad breath before. Don't you eat garlic? What did he make you for breakfast?

Gayle said...

I LOVE GARLIC! I eat it all the time, crazy man. I guess I just constantly chew mint gum so nobody can smell it. Guess it works, huh?

Oh, and he DIDN'T make me breakfast. Do you want his e-mail address so you can send him nasty e-mails?

Gayle @ thewestiecrew said...

ROFLOL! An infection?! LOL! This really is funny...

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

I think it is incredibly sweet of him to think you've never had it before. Good guy. Except for not making breakfast.

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