Night and day!
I haven’t made a big issue about it but now that his two front permanent teeth are growing in at odd angles it’s been a concern.
And he’s not very happy with it either and has been asking for us to think up some incentive to keep him motivated. He wants to quit but it’s such a habit that he’s not even aware when he is doing it.
A friend tried this…

It’s a plastic device called a thumb guard that you put over your childs thumb so they CAN’T suck it. But the darn thing costs $80 and as much as I want Malachi to succeed at this, that’s more than my weekly grocery budget and it looks too much like the manual breast pump I tried to use back in my nursing days.
No way.
So, I think it was my sister that sent me a link to this little do-hickey and since the cost was much cheaper at $12, and Malachi already had the desire to quit but just needed a constant reminder, we decided to try it.
And the little guy has not sucked his thumb for nearly 5 days. He’s ecstatic at his success and how his gnarly thumb is healing up.
So I thought I would pass this great thing on to whoever might need to know because thumb sucking is a nasty habit when they just aren’t little and cute anymore. Well, he's still cute but you know what I mean.
The Cuteness sucks his thumb. He's only a year, but I'll have to revisit this post in a few years. If it's still here.
Three cheers for Malachi! I knew he could do it. Grandma
Good for Malachi (whose name I love, BTW). I don't have thumbsuckers, but I wonder if this would work for nose pickers- maybe I could buy 10 of them...
I'll have to check that out. My 7 year old quit 2 years ago for about 3 or 4 months and then started again and has been going ever since. Now I can't seem to do anything to get her to stop and her teeth are growing in crooked...where is the money to pay for braces supposed to come from???
Go Malachi!!!
That is such a hard habit to break, so my hat's off to ya buddy!
A kid at my school used one of those plastic devices and sucked her thumb anyways. Wonder if they make one for my little one that sucks her two middle fingers. Her's are starting to develop blisters.
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