This is a little stuffed panda that Gabe found in a thrift store and just had to have. He begged, he pleaded, and he almost cried when he found it and knew he had to have it.
And then promptly pronounced the thing “Fishy”.
He sleeps with it.
He plays with it.
He talks to it.
He uses it as a weapon.
He teaches it tricks.
It’s become a beloved best friend.
So one day when all the kids were getting ready for bed, a tragic accident happened in the life of Fishy. Two kids were brushing their teeth at the twin sinks in the bathroom, one child was in the hallway changing into his pajamas and Gabe was standing at the toilet going potty.
It was rowdy and Fishy began to fly through the air from child to child. Until PLUNK, he landed with a splash into the potty….that Gabe was peeing in. Gabe just stared in shock as his pee started to rain down on Fishy’s head.
But he couldn’t stop so he just peed and peed and peed all over Fishy as he screamed and screamed and screamed.
(I’m sure Gabe’s going to need therapy after this)
15 years ago I never dreamed that reaching my hand into a used toilet would be a common occurrence, but somebody had to save Fishy and the screams that were emanating from my wee boy would only stop once it was removed from the toilet of terror.
So we yanked him out, wrapped him lovingly in a hand towel and life flighted him down to the laundry room for a bath in the washing machine.
And I'm happy to say that Fishy survived his near death experience.
And then promptly pronounced the thing “Fishy”.
He sleeps with it.
He plays with it.
He talks to it.
He uses it as a weapon.
He teaches it tricks.
It’s become a beloved best friend.
So one day when all the kids were getting ready for bed, a tragic accident happened in the life of Fishy. Two kids were brushing their teeth at the twin sinks in the bathroom, one child was in the hallway changing into his pajamas and Gabe was standing at the toilet going potty.
It was rowdy and Fishy began to fly through the air from child to child. Until PLUNK, he landed with a splash into the potty….that Gabe was peeing in. Gabe just stared in shock as his pee started to rain down on Fishy’s head.
But he couldn’t stop so he just peed and peed and peed all over Fishy as he screamed and screamed and screamed.
(I’m sure Gabe’s going to need therapy after this)
15 years ago I never dreamed that reaching my hand into a used toilet would be a common occurrence, but somebody had to save Fishy and the screams that were emanating from my wee boy would only stop once it was removed from the toilet of terror.
So we yanked him out, wrapped him lovingly in a hand towel and life flighted him down to the laundry room for a bath in the washing machine.
And I'm happy to say that Fishy survived his near death experience.
Although I'm not quite sure Gabe will ever be the same.
Glad to hear that Fishy made it out so well. I can just see the look on Gabe's face as he continued to go to the bathroom on his beloved friend!
A Panda named Fishy...too funny!
OH my word! Poor Fishy...Poor Gabe!
Glad Fishy was able to be resuscitated!
hilarious post....except for the screaming and tears though. way to go *mom*. you win the "supermom of the year" award from me.
quicker than a tear dropping....faster than the wee wee drip...tougher than the dirty toilet...and cleaner than the washing machine. the best of all...more loving than most!
Ah, intrepid mom to the rescue!!
You know you've earned another badge for that rescue!!
I would have done the same thing, probably....but if Dave had been here, I'd have screamed for him to do the honors!
Way to go, Mom!
Isn't it amazing what moms will do? Several weeks ago I left the kids with my husband while running errands. I called home to check in and tell them I was on my way and was assured that "all was well". When I walked through the door, utter chaos was in full force. You see, the dog had a terrible accident on the floor and for some reason (this is probably a blog post all on it's own) my husband had asked my daughter to clean it up. As the poor girl was cleaning it up she was gagging and went and threw up in the potty. Oh by the way, that is where she disposed of the stuff she had cleaned up from the dog as well. She was using the plunger to no avail when I walked in because she had used paper towels and it was all stopped up. Finally, I just reached in a dug for the paper towels as I could see a little bit of one still. I am fighting mad and she is standing at the door telling me how gross I am. UNFORTUNATELTY, I only found the humor in the situation at a much later time. Instead I proceed to tell her the lengths you have to go to when you a mom! LOL
ROFLOL!! Oh the *crap* that we Mom's get ourselves into.
Glad that Fishy was spared an untimely, humiliating death...
My grandma calls pooping, "making fishies".
Whoda thought 15 years ago that bodily functions would be our bff's? And that any day our hand has not touched poo is a Highly Unusual Day.
I know it's not nice to play favorites...
But Gabe is my favorite.
Shhh! Don't tell the others!
I hear you on the reaching in the toilet thing. I can't believe I've done that sort of thing, but sometimes you must.
I got the most hilarious mental picture of Gabe screaming as he peed all over Fishy! Glad to hear everyone survived. And remember, Gabe can always use his college fund for therapy!
Oh. My. After all the time it took to toilet train him, I hope this incident is not going to cause trauma-induced regression.
Actually, the whole thing sounds rather fishy to me.
Oh, my gosh! That is hysterical -- especially the life flight to the laundry. Isn't it funny how things that would never have been an "emergency" before you had kids take on new meaning after you have kids? I could so see my son doing what Gabe did -- peeing and screaming at the same time! :)
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